Sunday, February 12, 2012

Update 2/10/12

It's been quite a while since I've posted. It seems the day to day of running three Library Media Centers, while still pursuing my Library Media license, takes precedence! I am now the proud grandma of three little girls & wow, has that satisfied my book purchasing craving! Let's just say Christmas was a good excuse to give stacks of books to each of them!

I attended the 2012 WSRA convention and heard the amazing statistic that 52% of children under the age of 8 have used a smartphone, iPad or eReader! That's astounding, isn't it? Are you seeing this out there? I'm encouraged that our district is piloting iPad use right now. I'd be thrilled to pilot some eReaders in my LMCs!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

H.S. & Adult "My Antonia" by Willa Cather

Pre-K - 2nd "The Rainforest Grew All Around" by Mitchell

3rd- 5th & 6th-8th "Pond Scum" by Alan Silberberg

6th-8th "Iron Thunder" by Avi


I've created this site for all the book lovers out there! You'll find blogs for Pre-K through 2nd grades, 3rd -5th, 6th -8th and High School/Adult - highlighting some of my favorites. I hope you find something that interests you!